What is Conversion Rate ?

In online advertising terms, conversion rate denotes the percentage of users that take a specific action (eg: click on an ad, subscribe to an opt-in list or mak a purchase). For instance, if 5 out of 100 visitors to a landing page signed up to a list, the conversion rate of that landing page would be 5%. Factors that can influence the conversion rate include sales copy, graphic design and the overall layout of a web page. Hence, it’s imperative that a marketer tests and tweaks these elements until he arrives at the highest conversion rate possible.

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What is Copywriter ?

A copywriter is a person who has mastered the art of crafting copy that sells. In the offline world, the headlines and ads in newspapers, magazines and direct mail adverts are all written by copywriters. In the online world, a copywriter creates sales letters, landing page copy and pre-sell copy. A highly skilled copywriter can easily command fees in the neighborhood of $15,000, especially if his copy converts very well.

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What is Cost Per Action ?

Also known as CPA. Here’s how it differs from PPC advertising. When running a pay-per-click campaign, an advertiser has to pay each time a visitor clicks on his ad and is brought to his landing page. There is no guarantee that the user will go on to purchase his product/service. CPA (cost per action) marketing on the other hand involves the visitors taking a desired action and not merely clicking on the ad (eg: filling out a form, ordering a trial version of a software product) and the advertiser is only charged after an action has been successfully completed.

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