What is Viral Advertising ?

Refers to an advertising technique that influences users to willingly share a promotional message with others in their networks, resulting in an increase in brand awareness of the product/service being advertised and a tidal wave of publicity for the featured business. Viral advertising could take the form of interactive Flash games, brandable software, email promotions, ebooks and video clips. Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest are all extremely effective tools you can use to kickstart a viral marketing campaign.

What is Viral Ebook ?

An ebook that has been specifically created for vital marketing purposes. Viral ebooks typically contain unique, interesting and compelling content and includes links to the product/service/website that the creator of the ebook wishes to promote and publicize. Users are encouraged to pass it along to other individuals who in turn share it with other folks…and it goes on and on…resulting in the ebook going viral and generating tremendous publicity for whatever is being promoted within the contents of it.

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What is Viral Marketing ?

Refers to an marketing technique where users willingly share a promotional message with others, resulting in an increase in brand awareness of the product/service and publicity for the featured business. Viral marketing could take the form of interactive flash games, brand-able software, email promotions, ebooks and video clips. Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest are all extremely effective tools you can use to kickstart a viral marketing campaign.