What is Marketing ?

Refers to the management process through which products/services shift from a mere concept to materialization to the end consumer. This procedure includes the 4 P’s of marketing – identification and creation of a product/service, nailing down its price point, selection of a suitable distribution channel so the items reach consumers and the implemention of an advertising strategy to facilitate the entire selling process.

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What is Master Resell Rights ?

When you receive master resell rights to a product/service, it means you’ve not only gained the right to legally sell them, you may also offer the resell rights of the items in question, to others. Meaning, when you sell these products or services to another person, they too have the right to sell them to someone else.

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What is Meta Tag ?

A special HTML tag that provides information about the page, but is not seen by users. The two most common types of meta tags are the meta description tags and meta keywords tags.

Meta description tags provide a brief description of the webpage. The meta keywords tag lists other words that a visitor might be searching for, like meta tags, meta tag, HTML and meta tags, tags, SEO.

Both of these tags are located in the heading section of your HTML code, usually below the title.

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