How To Do Social Bookmarking Correctly

Social bookmarking is a great way to put your organization on the map, but it takes a certain amount of strategy to be successful. If you have ever heard that saying, ‘This isn’t a popularity contest’, you should realize that social bookmarking IS a popularity contest. It’s not about being the most beautiful or having the most friends. Rather, correct social bookmarking is more about having the most valuable content that resonates with the largest portion of your target audience.


This is a preview of How To Do Social Bookmarking Correctly. Click here to read How To Do Social Bookmarking Correctly in full (1004 words, 1 image, estimated 4:01 mins reading time)

Is It Possible To Increase Website Traffic Instantly?

One of the questions I hear most often about Internet marketing is, “How do I increase website traffic?” There are hundreds of variations to that question.

Well, here is video I created to answer that question: Social Bookmarking + Social Networking = Instant Traffic.  You can also read this blog post about a really interesting social bookmarking & social networking traffic experiment.

This is a preview of Is It Possible To Increase Website Traffic Instantly?. Click here to read Is It Possible To Increase Website Traffic Instantly? in full (439 words, estimated 1:45 mins reading time)

$3.5 Million From AdSense Response

I posted this YouTube video just before leaving town to go on a trip with my family.  The video is about how I earned $3.5 Million in revenue from Google AdSense which I intended to use for an upcoming blog post when I got home.

This is a preview of $3.5 Million From AdSense Response. Click here to read $3.5 Million From AdSense Response in full (735 words, estimated 2:56 mins reading time)