Start Earning An Income Online

start earning an online income with just an internet connectionMany people say they want to earn an income online, but few have an actual plan to do so. These days it’s easier than ever to make an income online, if you know how to go about it. Of course a lot of people try and fail, but there are tons of others who successfully earn a living online and those individuals have more freedom than you could possibly fathom. Some are able to work from anywhere, as long as they have an Internet connection and an Internet-ready device. They could work on the beach, in the middle of the ocean as long as they had wi-fi, and they could even work from home if they wanted. With so many possibilities out there, you can start earning an income online by using one or more of the methods below.

This is a preview of Start Earning An Income Online. Click here to read Start Earning An Income Online in full (767 words, 2 images, estimated 3:04 mins reading time)

Strategic Marketing for Your Product

The next best product won’t make a dent in this world unless people find out about it. If you have a product that you want to release to a worldwide audience, you need to use strategic marketing. This is a step-by-step process that ensures that all bases are covered and that your marketing message is being sent out efficiently and to the right targeted people.

This is a preview of Strategic Marketing for Your Product. Click here to read Strategic Marketing for Your Product in full (1028 words, 1 image, estimated 4:07 mins reading time)

Kick Start Your Search Engine Optimization

Are you ready to learn a few tricks that will really kick start your search engine optimization? These aren’t black-hat tricks, don’t worry. They’re not even gray hat. They’re remain within the confines of what is acceptable by search engines and they’ll kick start your SEO at the same time. Everyone wants fast results and you’re about to learn five methods that will take any campaign from 0 to SEO optimized in no time flat.


Understanding The Motives Behind SEO

This is a preview of Kick Start Your Search Engine Optimization. Click here to read Kick Start Your Search Engine Optimization in full (925 words, 1 image, estimated 3:42 mins reading time)

Common Sense Checklist For Online Marketing

Whether you’re writing an email, creating a landing page, building a website or posting on your favorite social network, you must ensure that you are online marketing correctly if you hope to make the most impact. With so much competition out there, you can’t afford to just wing-it. You need proven strategies that will draw your customers to you and force them to spend money, thus expanding your share of the market and your bottom line. The following online marketing checklist will help you keep your online marketing campaigns on-point, no matter who you might be marketing to.

This is a preview of Common Sense Checklist For Online Marketing. Click here to read Common Sense Checklist For Online Marketing in full (841 words, estimated 3:22 mins reading time)

Quarterly Public Service Announcements Are Key

start scheduling your quarterly PSA'sNon-profits that harness the power of public service announcements earn more donations and have more interaction with the local community than organizations that don’t use PSAs to their advantage. When you create a public service announcement, you create more exposure for your organization, but you also attempt to help the community in some way. For increased exposure and to convey the image that you truly care about the community you’re targeting, we recommend that you create a quarterly public service announcement. With the second quarter already underway, it might be time to start planning your organization’s next PSA.

This is a preview of Quarterly Public Service Announcements Are Key. Click here to read Quarterly Public Service Announcements Are Key in full (765 words, 1 image, estimated 3:04 mins reading time)

Use Pinterest As A Go-To Tool

don't be afraid to pin itPinterest is the latest social network to make waves with online marketers everywhere. Using the Pinterest tool, you can position yourself in front of hopeful prospects and urge them to share your content with other Pinterest users. As long as you know what you’re doing, and if you hop on Pinterest now before your competitors do, you’ll be well-ahead of the curve and in a prime position to take over far more than your share of the market using nothing more than the Pinterest tool.

This is a preview of Use Pinterest As A Go-To Tool. Click here to read Use Pinterest As A Go-To Tool in full (775 words, 1 image, estimated 3:06 mins reading time)

Must Have Marketing Software

Marketing Softwareguestblogginginfographic-thumb

Companies who desire an edge over the competition know the importance of marketing software. With so many daily processes involved in the online marketing process, it would require way too many hours in the day to do it all manually. The following must have marketing software titles will keep your company on the edge of innovation allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business at the same time. Try one or more of the following marketing software titles if you want to help your company expand its brand message and get ahead.

This is a preview of Must Have Marketing Software. Click here to read Must Have Marketing Software in full (962 words, 2 images, estimated 3:51 mins reading time)

Tweak Your Mobile Marketing Campaigns for New Braille Smart Phones

tweak your mobile marketing campaignAs an online marketer, you should always be looking for ways to tweak your campaigns as new technologies are released and as new techniques are developed. This is especially true for your mobile marketing campaigns as we are on the verge of a mobile marketing revolution. Mobile is set to overtake regular computing by 2015 and you can remain on the cusp of innovation by attempting to tweak your mobile marketing campaign according to the latest breakthroughs. One of these breakthroughs that is set to hit stores next year is the Braille smartphone. If you want to keep in the good graces of your customers, particularly those customers that are visually impaired, you may want to begin thinking about a Braille mobile marketing campaign.

This is a preview of Tweak Your Mobile Marketing Campaigns for New Braille Smart Phones. Click here to read Tweak Your Mobile Marketing Campaigns for New Braille Smart Phones in full (759 words, 2 images, estimated 3:02 mins reading time)

Take Advantage Of Keyword Targeting With Twitter, Facebook and Google

keyword targettingWhen search marketing began to take off around the mid-2000s or so, it really put keywords in the spotlight. Google has been one of the pioneers of search marketing and of keyword targeting and today if you spend any time engaging in search engine optimization, it’s likely that you’ve attempted to keyword target with Google, particularly if you’ve used the Adwords online advertising platform. Keywords are the cornerstone of the Adwords platform and it looks like Twitter and Facebook might be following suit.


This is a preview of Take Advantage Of Keyword Targeting With Twitter, Facebook and Google. Click here to read Take Advantage Of Keyword Targeting With Twitter, Facebook and Google in full (798 words, 1 image, estimated 3:12 mins reading time)

Book Marketing For The Novice

In order to make a name for yourself in any niche, you must prove that you have keen knowledge, skills and experience in that particular field and you must prove that you have answers that the rest of the group can benefit from. Essentially, you must present yourself as the authority figure in your niche if you hope to break ground and reach success. Book marketing is a terrific way to make a name for yourself and exhibit your authority over your chosen niche, as long as it’s handled effectively. The following book marketing for the novice guide will help you navigate the complicated system of marketing your book, even when no one’s ever heard of you before.

This is a preview of Book Marketing For The Novice. Click here to read Book Marketing For The Novice in full (1022 words, 1 image, estimated 4:05 mins reading time)