The only thing more enjoyable than inventing your product and coming up with an effective marketing strategy is the actual product launch. This is the time when you will finally unleash your product upon the world. You may start off small at first, but if you play your cards right and you put enough energy into your actual product launch, you may find your business scaling up to enormous proportions. Here are a few tips to get you started when seeking the best way to launch your product upon an incredibly hungry target audience.
Effects Of The Latest WordPress Updates
WordPress is increasingly being used all over the world to create websites, blogs and ecommerce stores; and more people are adopting the content management system every day. To help make the platform more robust and user-friendly, as well as secure, Automattic, the company behind WordPress, manages to release a series of updates several times a year. The recent update just happened – version 3.5.2 – which focused primarily on security. The next version, 3.6, is due out any day now; and more are planned for October and December. If you want to take advantage of these updates, you’ll be glad to know that the process is incredibly simple. We’re going to walk you through it so that you can understand the effects of the latest WordPress updates firsthand.
Host Your Own Weekly Webinars
If planned and executed properly, a webinar is one of the most effective ways of promoting your products, services and overall brand. With a webinar, you essentially have your very own captive audience. It’s not like a blog or an online article, or even a landing page where people can come and go as they please. With a webinar, there is a set time and place and your audience members had better show up if they want the goods. It’s exclusive, it establishes you as the go-to person in your field, and it’s a great way to sell out of your inventory once the presentation is complete. Many marketers plan webinars once every few months, and some less often than that. Yet the following will show you that you’ll get much farther and make far more of an impression on your target audience if you host your own weekly webinars.
Master Your Viral Marketing Campaign
A viral marketing campaign will make a far greater impact on your audience than a non-viral campaign ever will; between 500-1000 times greater, to be exact. You probably already know this. That’s why you put your all into every marketing campaign you create in the hopes that it’ll go viral. Yet few marketers are able to consistently create viral marketing campaigns. You can optimize your efforts and learn how to master your viral marketing campaign. That means that you should take the best advice from the best marketers and convert that guidance into the next viral marketing campaign that takes the world by storm. Here is some of that advice to get you started.
Brand Marketing On The Cheap
You have created a brand and now you wish to market that brand to a wide audience – there’s just one problem. You don’t have a lot of cash. Not to worry. You’re about to learn a few brand marketing tips that don’t require you to be rolling in dough. In fact, a few of these will allow you to conduct branding and brand management all without spending a dime, unless you count electricity and internet fees. Get ready to make your brand known, because you’re about to learn ten brand management ideas for the frugal marketer.
How YouTube Impacts The World
With 4 billion videos being viewed every single day, you can bet that YouTube is being watched by viewers all across the world and from all walks of life. And the videos themselves are just as diverse. There are videos about cooking, hunting, basket weaving, car racing, funny videos, sad videos, how-tos and pretty much everything else you can think of. If you have a message that you want to unleash upon the world, YouTube is the perfect platform with which to do it. Your viewers may be waiting. Whether they’re at home on their computers, in their offices or they’re out and about with the latest mobile devices, you have a chance to make an impact on the entire world. One Orlando teen recently used YouTube to impact the world. Talia Joy Castellano used the video sharing site to start a makeup tutorial channel and, in the process, she managed to inspire and melt the hearts of YouTube users everywhere.
The Update On Twitter iPhone And Android Apps
Twitter users of both the iPhone and the even more ubiquitous Android phones can now rejoice. New and improved versions of Twitter iPhone and Android apps have just hit the app stores of those respective devices this summer. Twitter mobile apps are nothing now. Pretty much since the platform emerged, mobile users have enjoyed tweeting, retweeting and PMing their favorite celebrities, business partners, role models and friends. Now, with improved design and all new features, the Twitter iPhone and Android apps are sure to keep Twitter enthusiasts engaged.
Brainstorming Viral Marketing Ideas
Most marketers dream of that day when they’re able to craft that perfect viral marketing campaign that spreads effortlessly to all four corners of the earth. From Muenster to Milan to Massachusetts to Mongolia, a viral marketing campaign can make sure that all of your prospects know about your business, no matter where they may live or hang out online. The thing is, coming up with the next viral marketing campaign isn’t easy. There is no tried and true formula for making lightning strike twice, so to speak. For this reason, it always helps to brainstorm viral marketing ideas. The following tips can help you jar your brain so that you can entice your prospects and customers worldwide to buy from you on a mass scale never seen before.
How People Are Using Pinterest Now
With more than 4 million daily unique visitors and over two billion page views on average, it makes sense to market on Pinterest. Fastest becoming one of the most popular social networks currently online, the image sharing network has become the go-to site for an expanding target market. For a few years now we’ve heard how Pinterest is only populated by bored house moms and dads. That’s no longer true; as the statistics now show that entrepreneurs, chefs, creative types and loves of fashion are all heading to Pinterest on a regular occasion. Your job is to target these individuals using high-quality images that will get pinned, pinned and re-pinned again. For a more specific plan of attack, you’re about to learn how to use Pinterest in way that will get your Pinterest followers flooding your board with their pin-hands at the ready.
Use Your Summer Vacation To Social Network
A common complaint amongst many online business owners is that they don’t do enough social networking. It’s important to social network at all times, as talking to more people about your business is one of the best ways to expose them to it; especially if they never would have been exposed to it otherwise. Plus, with social network efforts, you will come across as friendlier and more trustworthy, which is always great for business. If you’re about to go on summer vacation, there’s no reason why you can’t improve your social network efforts while you’re away. Here are five tips to help you social network while vacationing. They’re easy enough so that anyone can do them and they’ll help you market your online business online and off.