Marketing Your Way Out Of It

Although I discussed this topic on my live show right before Christmas this past year, it applies to all of us from time to time. So I wanted to mention it now.

We often have the urge during traditionally “tough” economic times like holidays, to go into agreement with them, and blame those holidays or seasons for drops in our sales, low income, etc. What times are “tough” depend on what business you’re in. We say “Things are always slow this time of year” or “It’s the economy” or “It’s the holidays”. But saying those things doesn’t improve the situation, it just justifies low production.

This is a preview of Marketing Your Way Out Of It. Click here to read Marketing Your Way Out Of It in full (180 words, estimated 43 secs reading time)

How To Find Good Affiliate Offers

There are a ton of affiliate offers out there. There is a lot of money to be made for sure. But scattered among the legitimate ones are the shady offers by companies who charge a lot of money for a much-less-than-awesome product, confuse the customers, withhold the actual amounts they will be charging, and make it nearly impossible to get your money back once you realize what’s happened.

As an affiliate marketer, you have to be responsible for what products you’re promoting, in the same way that you’d be responsible for items you sell in your own shop.

This is a preview of How To Find Good Affiliate Offers. Click here to read How To Find Good Affiliate Offers in full (256 words, 1 image, estimated 1:01 mins reading time)

LIVE TONIGHT: Is Google In Your TV? Is Internet Marketing Going Local, Social & Mobile?

Google has quietly been testing a new feature directly on TVs. What could this mean for the future of advertising for both local and national companies? How does this fit into my theory that the Internet is “Going Local, Social & Mobile”? You’ll want to tune in LIVE tonight and find out…

The show starts TONIGHT at 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time / 9:30 Eastern. Stop by early & say hi:

If you are a member of my Business Inner Circle, you should go to:

This is a preview of LIVE TONIGHT: Is Google In Your TV? Is Internet Marketing Going Local, Social & Mobile?. Click here to read LIVE TONIGHT: Is Google In Your TV? Is Internet Marketing Going Local, Social & Mobile? in full (124 words, estimated 30 secs reading time)

LIVE TONIGHT: Your Social Media Marketing Command Center. FaceBook & Twitter On Steroids!

I’m sure you’ve heard it’s critical that your business use sites like Twitter, FaceBook, MySpace, Google Buzz & the dozens of others like them. The problem is that it takes so much time! You’ll want to tune in LIVE tonight because I’ll show you how to create your very own social command center so you can be active on all these sites without wasting hours & hours of time…

The show starts TONIGHT Tuesday March 2nd at 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time / 9:30 Eastern. Stop by early & say hi:

This is a preview of LIVE TONIGHT: Your Social Media Marketing Command Center. FaceBook & Twitter On Steroids!. Click here to read LIVE TONIGHT: Your Social Media Marketing Command Center. FaceBook & Twitter On Steroids! in full (139 words, estimated 33 secs reading time)

18 Feb 10 Live Questions Answered

Did you miss last Tuesday’s live show at  Here’s what you missed!  The answers to the following questions:

1. Is Google just throwing out so many products they want to see what sticks?

2. What should a noob do to get into the Internet Marketing industry?

3. Does Google Buzz have an open API?

4. How do Google Buzz email alerts work?

5. What’s the difference between “white hat” and “black hat” marketing?

This is a preview of 18 Feb 10 Live Questions Answered. Click here to read 18 Feb 10 Live Questions Answered in full (102 words, estimated 24 secs reading time)

Live Questions Answered about Local Marketing

This is from an earlier show in December, but it’s more important now than ever to understand and apply local marketing to your online business.

If you remember way back in December (for internet technology that actually IS way back), Google was trying to acquire Yelp.  That was HUGE news.  Not only that, but Google got turned DOWN by Yelp.   A Google representative was quoted saying THEY are the ones who turned down Yelp…which, aside from being a tactic I used in third grade, also makes NO sense.  Google buys EVERYTHING which makes sense to buy.  They would NEVER say no to Yelp, in my opinion.  Anyway, there’s some context for you.

This is a preview of Live Questions Answered about Local Marketing. Click here to read Live Questions Answered about Local Marketing in full (157 words, estimated 38 secs reading time)

The Google Buzz Buzz

Screenshot-New! Google Buzz in Gmail - Chromium-1
Image by m0n0lithic via Flickr

Yesterday was a BIG day for Google. And for social networking. I went over it in my live show at, as well. But I wanted to make sure and post it here so everyone knows.

Google released their newest product called “Buzz” yesterday. Essentially, it’s a social network which links your twitter feed, your youtube videos, your flickr pics, and all other social networks that Google can figure out that are connected with you…all to your gmail.

This is a preview of The Google Buzz Buzz. Click here to read The Google Buzz Buzz in full (321 words, 2 images, estimated 1:17 mins reading time)

Internet Marketing VS Gambling

Do you have the idea that you have about as much control over your internet marketing as you do over a hand of cards at a blackjack table or a lottery ticket? Well, I’m here to tell you it’s not true. You DO have control over the outcome of your marketing efforts.

This is a preview of Internet Marketing VS Gambling. Click here to read Internet Marketing VS Gambling in full (232 words, 1 image, estimated 56 secs reading time)

Live Online Marketing Questions 2 Feb 10

Every week on my live show I answer questions from both the members-only chat at and also the public chats. This week’s questions answered covered a variety of marketing and advertising topics:

1. The best Twitter app
2. How long I’ve been blogging
3. Good keyword tools
4. Tools to submit sitemaps
5. Good pay-per-lead programs

For answers to these questions, watch the clip. And stop by tonight to get your own specific questions answered.


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