The Importance Of Long Tail Keyword Phrases

If you want to rank prominently in the search engines, which will ultimately bring all that coveted organic search traffic to your website, you need to conduct adequate keyword research. Keyword research describes the practice of finding highly-searched-for keywords with low competition. Sounds easy enough, right? It’s not until you actually get into the research part that you see how keyword research can be a little more difficult than it sounds. With all the competition out there, how can you possibly hope to find a keyword or keyword phrase that people are using, but that doesn’t have any competition? The answer is to always go for the long tail keyword phrase.

This is a preview of The Importance Of Long Tail Keyword Phrases. Click here to read The Importance Of Long Tail Keyword Phrases in full (765 words, 3 images, estimated 3:04 mins reading time)

Blogging 101

Blogging is one of the most effective ways to draw attention to your brand online, provided you do it correctly. Sadly, too many people don’t know how to blog properly. Many would-be bloggers think you merely have to relay your thoughts into a well-worded piece and success will come. Successful blogging is a little more complicated than that, but thankfully it’s not too complicated. Stick with the following tips and you’ll soon find blogging success.

Why Blog?

This is a preview of Blogging 101. Click here to read Blogging 101 in full (930 words, 2 images, estimated 3:43 mins reading time)

20 Ways To Drive Traffic With Pinterest

If you haven’t heard of Pinterest, the latest social network to take the world by storm, I hope you enjoyed your trip underneath that rock for the past few years. Pinterest is a user-friendly platform that provides you with virtual pin-up board to which you can ‘pin’ photos and videos that happen to interest you. So, essentially, you are ‘Pinning’ your interests, hence the name. While Pinterest may sound cute and fun, it is much more than that, particularly for online marketers.
With Pinterest, if you know what you’re doing, you can drive tons of traffic to any site, blog or landing page, engage with readers much more effectively and you can build a visual representation of your business that your audience truly responds to.

This is a preview of 20 Ways To Drive Traffic With Pinterest. Click here to read 20 Ways To Drive Traffic With Pinterest in full (1602 words, 3 images, estimated 6:24 mins reading time)

The Biggest Online Contest… EVER!

I think this is it… The BIGGEST contest I’ve ever run…

Go Here:
& Here:

I’ll be updating the contest, adding new features, adding new prizes, giving out bonus points & awarding prizes for an entire month!

All the best,

Bill McIntosh

PS: Even if you don’t play in the contest… you should pay close attention because this is a great case study in how to run a contest promotion…

Go Here:
& Here:

Affiliate Partners Wanted: HUGE Potential

If you’re involved with the Internet marketing industry… I’ve got an update that you’ll really want to hear about. I’ve been working on something HUGE with a couple giants in the industry.

We’re actively looking for affiliate partners to get involved with us to cash in on the big one – get the scoop here:

It’s VERY time sensetive and we’ve got something that will product an amazing amount of commission in a very short period of time… so if you are involved in the Internet marketing industry: You don’t want to miss out on this!

This is a preview of Affiliate Partners Wanted: HUGE Potential. Click here to read Affiliate Partners Wanted: HUGE Potential in full (126 words, estimated 30 secs reading time)

Want Me To Promote Your Internet Marketing Product? Contest Sponsorships Now Available!

I’ve got a very time limited opportunity for those who can take action right now. How would you like:

This is a preview of Want Me To Promote Your Internet Marketing Product? Contest Sponsorships Now Available!. Click here to read Want Me To Promote Your Internet Marketing Product? Contest Sponsorships Now Available! in full (233 words, estimated 56 secs reading time)

  • Matt Gill, Eric Louviere & I to promote your Internet marketing product or service?
  • Valuable promotion on location before during & after a HUGE live Internet marketing seminar?
  • Your stuff promoted to a LIVE Internet audience of thousands of simultaneous viewers online?
  • A promotional mailing featuring your products?

Learn Secret Website Traffic Techniques: LIVE & In Person!

Have you ever thought there was some “secret” traffic technique that if you just knew it… your website would take off & start making money? Have you ever wondered how to get your hands on the latest, greatest, cutting-edge techniques for driving website traffic?

I’d like to meet you IN PERSON & reveal these exact techniques to you. I’m holding a special workshop on April 29th and this is your personal invitation from me to come out in person and learn LIVE from me. The best part: If you act RIGHT NOW… You can come as my personal guest:

This is a preview of Learn Secret Website Traffic Techniques: LIVE & In Person!. Click here to read Learn Secret Website Traffic Techniques: LIVE & In Person! in full (146 words, estimated 35 secs reading time)

(UN)fair Warning… Ultimate Traffic Tactics Internet Marketing Seminar

How do I put this…?

The other day I sent you an email about your complimentary ticket to The Ultimate Traffic Tactics seminar coming up in a few weeks.

Details are at the link below, but first…

I’m giving you (UN)fair warning…

The fair warning part is this: We’ve already blown through the first block of hotel rooms faster than I ever imagined! (cool peeps are coming you will definitely want to meet)

This is a preview of (UN)fair Warning… Ultimate Traffic Tactics Internet Marketing Seminar. Click here to read (UN)fair Warning… Ultimate Traffic Tactics Internet Marketing Seminar in full (312 words, estimated 1:15 mins reading time)

We’ll do it… LIVE!!! (Internet Marketing Seminar & Live Show)

A really important heads up: Registration for my upcoming live event is now open! AND… I’ll also be live on my show tonight for another episode of Internet Marketing LIVE!

Here’s where you register for my upcoming “Ultimate Traffic Tactics” seminar:

It’s been a while since I did a Tuesday night live show… so I decided to jump on LIVE TONIGHT for the Internet marketing broadcast. I’ll be doing website critiques and… as usual, I’ll be answering all your marketing questions. Head here when it’s time to watch live:

This is a preview of We’ll do it… LIVE!!! (Internet Marketing Seminar & Live Show). Click here to read We’ll do it… LIVE!!! (Internet Marketing Seminar & Live Show) in full (114 words, estimated 27 secs reading time)