Does The Google Slap Still Exist? How To Avoid It In Internet Marketing

A few years ago, Google decided to take drastic action in an attempt to clean up the Internet for good. Internet marketing was much easier back then. As long as you used your keywords on your website and you had enough backlinks from prominent and relevant sites, you could surpass any competitor, particularly if you used Google Adwords along with your SEO efforts.  The problem is that some of the Adwords ads led to sites that were considered sub-standard, filler of fluff. Google decided to penalize Adwords advertisers that didn’t provide a valuable experience to users, essentially, and this became known as a Google Slap.

This is a preview of Does The Google Slap Still Exist? How To Avoid It In Internet Marketing. Click here to read Does The Google Slap Still Exist? How To Avoid It In Internet Marketing in full (874 words, 2 images, estimated 3:30 mins reading time)

The Benefits Of Beefing Up Your Onsite SEO

Onsite SEO is the search engine optimization work that you do on your website. That much might be apparent. What’s not so apparent is what you will get out of beefing up your onsite SEO efforts. Will your results really be that much different by spending a few hours supplementing your work with more meta data, more keywords and more high-quality content? The answer is a resounding yes, but before we get to all of those benefits let’s discuss what beefing up your onsite SEO efforts really means.

This is a preview of The Benefits Of Beefing Up Your Onsite SEO. Click here to read The Benefits Of Beefing Up Your Onsite SEO in full (743 words, 3 images, estimated 2:58 mins reading time)

Running A Google Adwords Campaign? What You Need To Know

If you want to drive crazy amounts of traffic to your website, sales page or any other landing page, you can’t go wrong with a Google Adwords campaign. Actually, that’s only partially correct. Google Adwords is Google’s paid advertising platform. It’s how Google makes its money, for the most part. It can be an effective means for driving serious amounts of traffic to anywhere you wish online. However, it will only be effective if you know exactly what you’re doing. Before you start developing your first Google Adwords ad campaign, you should spend some time familiarizing yourself with the platform and the business of PPC.

This is a preview of Running A Google Adwords Campaign? What You Need To Know. Click here to read Running A Google Adwords Campaign? What You Need To Know in full (771 words, 2 images, estimated 3:05 mins reading time)

The Pros And Cons Of Selling A Product Over A Service When Marketing Online

You’re wondering whether a product or a service would be better for your online marketing efforts. You’re not alone. Many marketers have started out asking themselves this very question. The thing is, the answer isn’t cut and dry. You can’t tell one marketer that a product is better than a service no more than you can tell a marketer that email marketing is more effective than social marketing. It’s all relative and there are tons of variables to consider. Still, you can help your decision making process by thinking about the pros and cons of offering both products and services online. The following points should provide you with the help you require.

This is a preview of The Pros And Cons Of Selling A Product Over A Service When Marketing Online. Click here to read The Pros And Cons Of Selling A Product Over A Service When Marketing Online in full (646 words, 2 images, estimated 2:35 mins reading time)

If You Build Your Top Blog Content Into Free eBooks For Traffic, It Will Come

Most Internet marketing experts will tell you that blogging is one of the primary ways to drive attention to your brand. A well-written blog can attract quite an audience and it can put a personality behind your company and brand that readers tend to respond to. However, many marketers are under the impression that blogs can only be used once. Once they publish those blogs to the Internet, these marketers will simply write more blogs and bury the content they already created. A better way is to recycle your blog content to make the well-written content work for you. If you take your top blogs and you convert those blogs into free eBooks, you’ll soon see just how much traffic you can attract.

This is a preview of If You Build Your Top Blog Content Into Free eBooks For Traffic, It Will Come. Click here to read If You Build Your Top Blog Content Into Free eBooks For Traffic, It Will Come in full (665 words, 3 images, estimated 2:40 mins reading time)

Tips To Properly Schedule Your Online Marketing Efforts

Internet marketing can be incredibly effective at expanding your brand message and attracting new leads to your business, but you must not take your online marketing efforts lightly. For you to be successful, you must plan for the long-haul. You should never expect quick results, no matter what online tricks you’re using or no matter what type of expertise you claim to have. While immediate results are possible with online marketing, and they’re quite common as a matter of fact, the true results, the one you’re banking on require a long time to develop. This is why you must plan for consistent effort if you hope to get anywhere with your Internet marketing campaigns. The following will help you break your efforts into more manageable chucks so that you can properly schedule your Internet marketing efforts.

This is a preview of Tips To Properly Schedule Your Online Marketing Efforts. Click here to read Tips To Properly Schedule Your Online Marketing Efforts in full (932 words, 5 images, estimated 3:44 mins reading time)

What Is Facebook Exchange And Why Should Advertisers And Shareholders Be Excited?

Facebook, the most popular social networking platform the world has ever seen, has long been searching for more efficient ways to monetize its 800+ million regular users. Facebook is not only a great way to keep in contact with friends and family but has also been a great way to share interests and ads. With the recent launch of its near $100 billion IPO and shareholders eager to make an even larger profit from the offering, Facebook needs to find a more productive way to associate dollar signs with some or all of the individuals that use the site on a daily basis. This year seems to be a great year for Facebook, as the platform is about to launch Facebook Exchange, a new Advertising platform that could rival Google’s Adwords platform.

This is a preview of What Is Facebook Exchange And Why Should Advertisers And Shareholders Be Excited?. Click here to read What Is Facebook Exchange And Why Should Advertisers And Shareholders Be Excited? in full (1197 words, 2 images, estimated 4:47 mins reading time)

Become One Of The Best Online Marketing Writers Of Our Times, Or At Least Sound Like One

Internet marketing used to be so much easier before Google and the other search engines began to smarten up. A marketer only had to stuff a website full of keywords and they could grab the top spot in Google. Traffic flowed, many sales were had and the search engines grew wise to this scheme. After that, marketers figured out that you couldn’t keyword stuff, the website had to have content on it, only that content didn’t really need to be very good. So, those marketers figured out what they could outsource their content to third-world countries for less than pennies a word. This cheap content sounded as much and the Internet became a cesspool of awful content and incessant sales pitches.

This is a preview of Become One Of The Best Online Marketing Writers Of Our Times, Or At Least Sound Like One. Click here to read Become One Of The Best Online Marketing Writers Of Our Times, Or At Least Sound Like One in full (832 words, 3 images, estimated 3:20 mins reading time)

Online Marketing: The Best Way To Find Potential Clients

Marketing your business online is one of the best decisions you could ever make, especially in this day and age of mobile Internet-capable devices. It seems that everyone has a smartphone in their pocket, a tablet computer in their backpack or purse, and at the very least they all have computers back home or at the office. Young kids, teenagers, the middle aged and the elderly all get online these days, and, according to recent statistics, about 80% of those Internet users are turning to search engines like Google to find local businesses. To be clear, potential clients are out there searching for a business just like yours. Whether or not those potential clients can find your business is another story altogether.

This is a preview of Online Marketing: The Best Way To Find Potential Clients. Click here to read Online Marketing: The Best Way To Find Potential Clients in full (921 words, 3 images, estimated 3:41 mins reading time)

The Value Of Video Marketing With The Power Of YouTube

If you’re not using video marketing along with your other marketing efforts, you are holding back your success. With the popularity of online video these days and the fact that video marketing works to exceptional degrees, that statement can be said with a certainty. Your business needs video marketing. The great news is that you don’t have to be an expert video editor to create engaging videos. You don’t have to be a Spielberg or Lucas or even a Matt Stone or Trey Parker. Instead, you can use one of the multitude of online tools, some paid and some free, that will help you develop online videos quickly and easily. You can then publish those videos to YouTube, the most popular video sharing site the Internet has ever seen. You can probably tell where this is heading. With an engaging video and the massive audience of YouTube, you’re about to take your business to new heights and beyond. However, you must tread carefully. Your videos must really pop if you hope to gain all the benefits, including traffic, leads and sales provided to you by effective YouTube video marketing.

This is a preview of The Value Of Video Marketing With The Power Of YouTube. Click here to read The Value Of Video Marketing With The Power Of YouTube in full (895 words, 3 images, estimated 3:35 mins reading time)