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The goal of every marketer is to take the given brand message and spread it far and wide. That’s the idea behind viral marketing. With viral marketing, you create a single marketing message, say a video, and then you publish that video with the hopes that it will go viral. To illustrate how this happens, let’s look at a recent viral video – South Korean rapper Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style’ – which recently became the first youTube video to hit 1 billion views. Psy’s video pokes fun at wealthy South Koreans and includes funny dance moves choreographed by Psy himself. The video soon took off, spreading via social media, mobile devices and all other channels until it hit viral and, essentially, cult status. While your viral video marketing campaigns may not reach ‘Gangnam Style’ numbers, you can create a viral marketing campaign by following these few simple rules.
Are you looking for more effective ways to reach out to your audience on Twitter? The microblogging platform is popular with brands, individuals and celebrities, to name a few, and it seems that everyone is tweeting away with increasing regularity. This results in a sea of tweets that can make it difficult for your audience to discern your tweets from all the others. As a brand, you should always be looking for techniques to help you write more effective tweets. The following tips will help your tweets stand out amongst the crowd so that you can get the most return from your use of Twitter.
You may think you know all there is to know about search engine optimization, but SEO changes all the time and sometimes it pays to go back to the basics to make sure your online marketing presence is on the up-and-up. As the Internet evolves, as online consumers become increasingly savvy and as search engines alter their algorithms to ensure all search results are high-quality and relevant for search engine users, you can’t afford to slip in the SEO department. The following checklist will help you remain in the search engines’ good graces so that you can earn more traffic and build a more sustainable online marketing business.
When you want to get the word out about your latest program or service or even if you just want to call more attention to your non-profit, a public service announcement (PSA) is just what the doctor ordered. A well-produced PSA can change minds, get people to act and if you play your cards right you might even get a chance to go viral. The following are some ways to plan the perfect public service announcement for your organization or cause.
The social network Pinterest hit the online scene in March of 2010 with a mission to “connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting.” Still, many people didn’t hear about the site until nearly a year later when it was being hailed as the next best thing. Why did Pinterest take so long to catch up with the social networking crowd? For one, there was some confusion in the beginning as to how you could use copyrighted materials. People were getting in trouble for posting media – photos, videos, sound clips or what have you – that didn’t belong to them. Pinterest managed to tackle that problem and today it doesn’t seem to be as much of an issue. That along with Pinterest’s visual-based layout has made it attractive for individuals and businesses alike. Today people use Pinterest for all sorts of reasons. Here are just a few ways businesses are using Pinterest to bring their brands to life.
The New Year is almost upon us and it’s being billed as the year of the consumer. People are using the Internet more than ever before and they’re doing it from mobile devices that allow them to interact, surf, leave reviews and anything else on the fly. If you don’t fine tune your online marketing efforts, you could get left behind. You could find yourself surpassed by your competitors and your customers aren’t going to stick around if you keep up with the same old same old. The following online marketing updates will help you streamline your operations in preparation for the year 2013.
Many Internet marketing gurus are asked what they would do if they had to create an online income from scratch with no money and no web presence to speak of. Interestingly enough, no guru has ever been stumped by this answer. Even though the Internet constantly changes and online marketing techniques are constantly evolving, it turns out that creating an online income requires the same steps and principles no matter what techniques you use. The following is a roadmap to follow on your journey towards online income. It’s compiled from gurus’ answers to the very question: what would you do if you had to create an online income from scratch? The first thing you do is choose your path.
In case you haven’t noticed, most people today are walking around with a mobile device in their pocket, purse or backpack. Mobile phones, smartphones and tablet computers allow your prospects and customers to browse your store, shop your wares and make purchases from the comfort of – well, anywhere. If you have yet to begin a mobile advertising campaign, you are missing out on a massive opportunity to:
A local marketing campaign is ideal for any business that relies on a local customer base. Flower shops, medical and dental offices, veterinarians, retail stores – these are just a few examples of small businesses that may require a local marketing focus. Regardless of what type of business you run or plan to run, the following steps will give you a good head start on your first local marketing campaign.
You Don’t Need a Website – But It Helps