Most people today guard their inboxes very carefully, which means you need to be extra savvy if you are going to succeed as an email marketer in 2013. People hate spam, they don’t like too many emails and they only like to receive emails from those they trust. Your job as a marketer is to get your subscribers to trust you and to look forward to each message that you send out. This isn’t going to be easy, but put the following 2013 email marketing tips into play and your open rates are sure to take off.
Update Your Cost Per Action Campaign For 2013
Your cost-per-action campaigns need a makeover if they’re going to hold up in 2013. Today’s online user is far more savvy and spam-averse than ever before. To be successful, you need to go through and update your cost per action campaigns for 2013. You may find that a small tweak is all you need or you may need to scrap everything and start from the get-go. Regardless of which road you take, the following tips will help you update your CPA campaigns for 2013.
Increase Your Conversion Rates In 2013
The world of online marketing has exploded and more people are trying their hand at online selling than ever before. This means that you can no longer afford to mess around. You need to bring your ‘A’ game in every aspect of every marketing campaign you put together. When it comes to your website, you need conversions plain and simple. Without conversions, your website becomes just another piece of real estate in cyberspace, not doing anyone any good. Without conversions, you’re not going to make any money and all of your effort will be in vain. Of course we don’t want that. That’s why we’re going to focus on increasing your 2013 conversion rates. Pay attention to the following ideas, apply them to your own online marketing campaigns and you’ll see just how effective they can be at increasing your conversion rates over time.
How to Formulate an Internet Marketing Strategy
With so many products and services bought and sold online, it’s crucial to form an Internet marketing strategy if you hope to put a dent in your online market. In order to formulate an Internet marketing strategy, you need a deep understanding of the following.
- The Product or Service: In order to market any product or service online or off, you need to help your customers see that their lives will vastly improve by incorporating the product or service in their lives. This can only come from study and/or personal use of the product or service in question.
Blogging Tips For 2013
If you’re thinking about starting a blog in 2013, you have a tall mountain to climb. In case you haven’t noticed, there is tons of competition out there. Whether you’re into knitting, basketball, Taekwondo or rafting, there is a blog dedicated to you. Even if you have an existing blog that isn’t getting the traffic you want, you have a lot to do if you hope to turn that blog around and compete with the big boys. This isn’t meant to discourage you, in fact it’s meant to make you aware that blogging has completely transformed. What follows are blogging tips for 2013 that will help you start a new blog or revive an old one so that you rise to the top just like all the other top blogs out there.
Catchy Contests To Market For 2013
As an online marketer, your job is to consistently build excitement around your brand. This is where contest marketing comes in handy. People love contests. It appeals to their competitive side, the side that likes winning. And speaking of winning, people love to win and get free stuff. Catchy contest marketing can bring your audience out in droves, but only if you come up with some good ideas. The following are some catchy contests to market for 2013 so that you can hopefully ‘win’ over a whole new section of your target market.
2013 WordPress Updates
With millions of webmasters, brands and businesses using the content management system WordPress for their presences on the web, many are left wondering what types of 2013 WordPress updates we’re likely to see in the coming months. With the Internet evolving nearly every single day, we knew WP would likely follow. Here are the updates you’re likely to see this year and it’s likely you’ll find them just as exciting as we do.
Responsive Design
Don’t Forget To Issue Your 2013 Company PSA
A new year has finally arrived and that means it’s time to start planning your next public service announcement. There are many hot topics you can use to get the New Year off to a great start for your organization. The following 2013 company PSA tips and ideas will help you get the word out while also helping those in your local community live better lives in the process.
Public Service Announcement Ideas
How To Legally Use Pinterest
Everyone’s favorite visually-oriented social network Pinterest has exploded in popularity in recent months, but there is still some confusion over the site’s usage. Mainly, users want to be able to legally use Pinterest without having to worry about copyright infringement. As you may know, Pinterest is a network that allows users to ‘Pin’ media to virtual bulletin boards. Yet some lawyers are issuing warnings about Pinterest, saying that a copyright claim is imminent if users continue to use the site as they have been. With the site being the third largest social media site behind Facebook and Twitter, that could amount to a lot of lawsuits if users aren’t careful. To keep your account from getting pinned with a copyright suit, adhere to the following Pinterest rules every time you login and pin.
Be Your Own Critic And Beef Up Your Website
With the search engines changing their algorithms on the regular, it’s important to update your website every so often in order to keep that online income on the up and up. When’s the last time you really gave your website a good once-over? If it’s been some time since you took a real good critical look at your site, you may want to start now. We live in a time where the slightest SEO error can hurt your rankings and your online income for a good long time – or at least until you can correct that error. Use the following checklist to give your site the overhaul it needs to compete in today’s competitive online market.