Every marketer’s dream is to go viral, to send an infographic or Gangnam Style-esque video spiraling across the Internet where it’s sure to return lots of attention (and hopefully revenue). Yet most marketers become frustrated when they attempt viral marketing campaigns. Many viral campaigns happen by pure chance. It’s common for marketers who experience viral campaigns to want to recreate that effect over and over. Actually making that happen is another story. You can tweak your viral marketing campaign for the new year to make your campaigns more susceptible to virility. While there’s no guarantee, the following tips to tweak your viral marketing campaign could have you seeing viral numbers in your near future.
Create An Effective 2013 Twitter Campaign
With Twitter being the second most popular social network on the scene, it’s no wonder everyone wants a piece. Signing up with Twitter is easy. Actually succeeding on Twitter as on online marketer is a whole different story. There is a steep learning curve to the micro-blogging platform. Luckily, we have others doing the research for us so that we don’t have to conquer this learning curve all on our own. The folks over at Linchpin SEO were nice enough to do all the Twittering for us so that we can mold an effective 2013 Twitter campaign out of their findings. Mold your 2013 Twitter campaign after the following to reach number one on everyone’s favorite number two social network.
Social Marketing in A New Year
The whole world has gone social, at least in the online world it has. Right now Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube and Instagram, among others, are all the rage with users of all ages. As an online marketer, that fact should interest you very much. If you want to get a hold of some of the traffic that social networks experience in a single day (we’re talking millions of hits), you need to keep up with the latest social marketing updates. The following information should help you update your social marketing campaigns so that you can capture even a tiny bit of that monster social media traffic.
Best SEO Guidelines For 2013
If you want to keep in favor with the search engines, you need to keep up with the best SEO guidelines for the New Year. Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and all the rest are constantly changing their algorithms. To keep to the top of the list and to make sure you receive all the traffic your server can handle, you need to remain cognizant of those changes to make sure you’re not only staying in line, but that you’re also providing real value. Ah, there is the key word in the 2013 SEO guidelines equation. Provide true value and you will prevail. Here are more of the best SEO guidelines for 2013.
The Easiest Way to Replace Your Income Online
Many people dream of replacing their monthly paychecks with an online income. Just think of the possibilities – waking up whenever you wanted to and working in your pajamas, being able to work from anywhere as long as you have a laptop and an Internet connection and then of course there’s the bonus of not having a boss. Finally, by starting and maintaining an online income, you will be able to say goodbye to your overbearing boss who’s constantly breathing down your neck. If you want to start making an online income to replace your day job and your current ‘hamster wheel’ lifestyle, you’ve come to the right place.
Local Marketing Updates Everyone Should Follow This Year
When most of your revenue comes from sales that occur within a couple of miles from your business location, you want to focus much of your efforts on local marketing. Local marketing is the use of maps, Citations, GPS systems and other tools in order to drive new customers right to you. The search engines, particularly Google, are focusing heavily on local marketing, and there’s a great reason for it. People are using their smartphones and tablets more than ever before to search for products and services near them. By keeping up to date with the latest local marketing updates, you will remain on top of the local search results and, as a result, you’ll receive much more local marketing attention.
What Will The Google AdWords Updates Be For 2013
Every year we anxiously await new Google AdWords updates. Since the ad platform is the search engine’s primary revenue source, we know ahead of time that Google is going to come up with one or more updates that revolutionize online advertising as we know it. For years the search engine giant has been paving the way and changing the world, essentially, when it comes to online marketing. We always want to be on the forefront of any release so that we can get the up-and-up on any advertisers who may be competing against us. We’ll let the cat out of the bag just for you. Just don’t tell anyone. Here are the 2013 Google AdWords updates that are sure to change the business of Internet advertising as we know it.
Why Google Is The Search Engine To Follow
Google certainly wasn’t the first search engine (DogPile and AskJeeves anyone?), but it is the biggest. Google is so big that its name has become a verb. If you need to know something, anything, you just ‘Google it’. There are quite a few reasons Google ranks at the top of the search engine list, it’s not just because the search engine and its name seem to be everywhere. Let’s look at a few reasons why the Google search engine is the one to follow, as well as how to get indexed so that your listing shows up first amongst all the others you’re competing with.
Exciting FaceBook Updates For 2013
Online marketers are rejoicing over a series of 2013 FaceBook updates that are designed to help advertisers better target the site’s billion plus regular users. For years investors and the brains behind the brand have been searching for ways to monetize the platform in order to increase revenue. Now it seems that FaceBook is taking its site in a whole new direction. If you want to know how to market on FaceBook, pay attention to these important FaceBook marketing updates for 2013 and put them to good use.
Proper SEO For Bloggers
Your blog is a terrific vehicle for engaging your audience and driving more prospects to your offers, but only if people can find it. A well-managed blog that gets little traffic or readers is a sad state of affairs. The last thing you want to do is put all your effort into creating blog post after blog post only to realize that your efforts have all gone in vain. What you need is proper SEO for bloggers. With a few SEO tips, you can increase your rankings in the search engines and get your blog noticed. These search engine optimization tips should help you iron out any kinks so that your blog reaches prominent status in the SERPs, thus driving more traffic, readers, buyers and loyal subscribers.