Although I discussed this topic on my live show right before Christmas this past year, it applies to all of us from time to time. So I wanted to mention it now.
We often have the urge during traditionally “tough” economic times like holidays, to go into agreement with them, and blame those holidays or seasons for drops in our sales, low income, etc. What times are “tough” depend on what business you’re in. We say “Things are always slow this time of year” or “It’s the economy” or “It’s the holidays”. But saying those things doesn’t improve the situation, it just justifies low production.
Instead what you SHOULD be doing is not agreeing with it. Do the exact opposite of what your urge is. Promote MORE. Make MORE phone calls, get out MORE promotional materials, MORE direct mail, see MORE customers.
The solution to any low production time is to promote and market your way out of it, even if it DOES mean spending a little bit of money to do so. It will be worth it.