How To Become A ClicKBank Vendor Or Affiliate

The Clickbank marketplace is one of the most popular sites online for buying and selling information products. On Clickbank you can find audio books to help with Anxiety, programs to help with weight loss, software to help with email marketing and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. If you can think of it, someone is selling it on Clickbank. And the vendors selling items on the popular marketplace are making a mint, believe you and me. If you hope to make a living online through the Clickbank marketplace, you’ve come to the right place. You are about to take a crash course in how to become a Clickbank vendor or affiliate marketer, allowing you to really open the faucets on your income streams.


Vendor Or Affiliate?

While it is easy to become a Clickbank vendor, it takes a special product and a powerful marketing presence to succeed in the Clickbank marketplace. The most popular products on Clickbank are the ones that serve a growing need. There is a large group out there that is trying to lose weight, thus there are many weight loss products to be found. Your product should be unique to the marketplace and should provide your customers with tips, techniques and/or advice that cannot be found elsewhere. Then, you must deliver a powerful marketing message for that product to sell.

If you don’t have your own product, then it is recommended that you think about becoming a Clickbank affiliate. In fact, it is recommended that you become an affiliate before you become a Clickbank vendor. When you are able to sell other people’s products for a commission, you’ll get a better handle on which products sell the most. You can then put that knowledge to use later on to become one of the top selling Clickbank vendors.

Whether you decide to become a Clickbank vendor or a Clickbank affiliate, here are the steps to follow.



  1. Sign-Up: Go to the Clickbank home page and click the ‘Sell Products’ tab near the top of the page. Make sure you read the Client Contract, the Clickbank vendor and product requirements and all other policies so that there are no surprises later on.
  2. Set-Up Your Product: Clickbank will ask you for a description of the product, the pricing structure, an image and other information. Your product will need to be approved by Clickbank before you start selling. This will require a fee. Make sure you follow all instructions so as to make the approval process easier.
  3. Sales Page: You will have to host your own sales page on a domain and hosting service you purchase. Your sales page should offer a description of the product, the cost and all other details customers might want to know. Look at other Clickbank vendor sales pages to get some ideas.
  4. Thank You Page: When your customers have purchased your product, you will send them to your Thank You page. This is where you should post support links in case customers have any questions or problems, and any other information you may wish to add. If your customers need to download your product, provide instructions on this page.
  5. Set-Up Your Payment Link: Clickbank makes payment management easy. Simply follow the instructions to set up the payment link on your sales page and you’re all set to accept the first sale.
  6. Affiliate Page: Clickbank makes it easy for others to sell your products, too. These are known as Clickbank affiliates. You may want to provide a page that offers affiliates sales info, banners and other ads and other marketing materials to help make selling your product easier.



To become a Clickbank affiliate, click the ‘Promote Products’ at the top of the page when signing in, or click the Marketplace link at the top if you are already signed in as a Clickbank vendor. You will need to search for viable products in order to succeed as a Clickbank affiliate.

Look for products that offer a commission you can live with, usually 50% or more, a moderately high gravity (this means that other Clickbank affiliates were paid within the last pay period) and other aspects that may be important to you. And always visit the product sales page and determine whether you yourself would buy that product.

Once you find a product you want to promote, you simply gather the link, put it on your own website and start promoting it. You will then earn a commission on each product you sell.

You see that it isn’t difficult to become a Clickbank vendor or Clickbank affiliate. Actually selling the items is another matter entirely. Remember to always give prospects and customers what they’re looking for and you will go far in the Clickbank marketplace.

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