Without web traffic, your online marketing efforts are going to fall very flat. Lucky for you, there is tons of web traffic out there. With billions of people using the Internet on a daily basis, you only need to funnel a tiny fraction of that web traffic in your direction and you’ll succeed. One of the best ways to funnel this traffic is with social media. Social media is taking the world by storm. Young people, middle aged and elderly alike use social media and this makes it one of the best forms of traffic generation the world has ever seen. The thing is, getting web traffic with social media is much easier said than done. It must be handled very delicately if you hope to succeed. Social media traffic generation rule number one is: Don’t be a salesperson.
Tag Archives: social media
The Benefits Of Social Networking
Social networking has taken the world by storm, but is it really necessary for business? If you want to draw more attention to your business and brand online, the answer is yes. You need social networking, period. There’s no other way around it. The way the Internet is evolving, you soon won’t have an option whether or not to engage in social media. If you do anything online, it will probably find you. That’s how much the world has taken to this media phenomenon. What are the true benefits of engaging in social media, you might ask? Let’s just say that you’ll soon see why so many online business owners choose social networking as one of their prime marketing efforts.
Facebook Marketing & The Changes to Facebook Fan Pages: On Tonight’s Internet Marketing This Week
Tonight I’ll show you a technique for using Facebook & go over the changes that happened today impacting Facebook fan pages. As usual, I’ll also help you with ANY online marketing question you may have. So you’ll really want to tune in TONIGHT for my LIVE show & learn all about it:
The show starts tonight at 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time / 9:30 Eastern. Stop by early & say hi:
(this is the public show page)
Tonight’s LIVE Show: Twitter Advertising, Google Buzz Promotions & Social Media Campaign Tools
Well… it’s Tuesday & you know what that means: It’s time for my weekly live show! This week I’m covering breaking news on Google Buzz & Twitter. I’ve also got 2 really awesome tools you can use to manage your online social media campaigns. So you’ll really want to tune in TONIGHT for my LIVE show & learn all about it:
The show starts tonight at 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time / 9:30 Eastern. Stop by early & say hi:
Facebook Local
- Image via CrunchBase
New Facebook changes are coming. And with it, you’ll see a much more localized, geo-targeted social network. Have you ever heard me say that the internet is going local? Only a thousand times. Well, here’s one more clue in case you had doubts…
Guess Who Slapped Google? How Will It Impact Your Online Marketing?
The Internet world was turned on it’s head this week. Someone actually slapped Google! How could this happen, who did it & what does this mean for you online marketing? Find out tonight during my LIVE show…
The show starts TONIGHT at 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time / 9:30 Eastern. Stop by early & say hi:
If you are a member of my Business Inner Circle, you should go to:
LIVE TONIGHT: Your Social Media Marketing Command Center. FaceBook & Twitter On Steroids!
I’m sure you’ve heard it’s critical that your business use sites like Twitter, FaceBook, MySpace, Google Buzz & the dozens of others like them. The problem is that it takes so much time! You’ll want to tune in LIVE tonight because I’ll show you how to create your very own social command center so you can be active on all these sites without wasting hours & hours of time…
The show starts TONIGHT Tuesday March 2nd at 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time / 9:30 Eastern. Stop by early & say hi:
Features of Google Buzz
Ah one more Google property. One more social network to figure out how to use. Lucky for you, I’ve been playing with it to figure it out, and I have a clip showing how some of the features actually work so you can see it.
Watch the clip!
The Google Buzz Buzz
- Image by m0n0lithic via Flickr
Yesterday was a BIG day for Google. And for social networking. I went over it in my live show at BusinessInnerCircle.com, as well. But I wanted to make sure and post it here so everyone knows.
Google released their newest product called “Buzz” yesterday. Essentially, it’s a social network which links your twitter feed, your youtube videos, your flickr pics, and all other social networks that Google can figure out that are connected with you…all to your gmail.
Backupify Online Backup Tool: Act Quick!
I mentioned this on the Tuesday show, but I wanted to post a reminder on here for those of you who might be interested.
Backupify is an online backup tool that backs up your social data, blog posts, pictures, etc. from your WordPress blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and many other social networking sites. Until the 31st of January it’s FREE. So if this is something you are interested in, you only have 2 days to get it for free. I’m not an affiliate for them, and this isn’t a product I own or sponsor in any way. I just thought it was cool, and I like to promote helpful tools to my friends and fans.