E-mail marketing is a terrific way to engage with, as well as build familiarity and trust with your audience. E-mail marketing is not for the lazy, however, or the untrained. This form of online marketing must be treated delicately and with some semblance of planning if you hope to be successful. That’s not to say that e-mail marketing has to be a bunch of boring work. This form of marketing can be exciting and fun, for you and your prospects, customers and readers.
Tag Archives: E-mail
Aweber Split Testing (Email Marketing Training)
- Image via CrunchBase
One of the most important elements of marketing is your mailing list. In fact, it’s probably your single, most valuable asset.
What you do with your lists, how you communicate to your public, what you say, what you promote, what words you use in your emails to your customers, all these things make a huge difference in the success of your online business. So how to do you figure out what to say in your emails, what’s effective and what isn’t? TESTING, that’s how.